

DynaPCN is a compact and autonomous passenger counting device, designed by Eurotech and based on stereo vision. It is designed for mounting above bus and train doorways and can also be used to count people as they enter or leave buildings or any area with restricted access. EVS has been providing Eurotech with software engineering and design services to maintain and improve the DYPCN platform for more than 15 years.


Automatic people counting in crowded audiences is not a trivial task

Automatically counting passengers entering and exiting crowded public transport is no trivial task. It is particularly complex if a greater than 97% accuracy in the most variable working conditions is to be guaranteed considering, for example, wide and low gates, ramps and steps and extreme lighting conditions in every country, with different ethnicities and clothing habits. Doing it in real time, on embedded hardware platforms that typically have limited computing capabilities, makes the goal even more challenging.


A successful product on the market for over 15 years

DynaPCN is designed by Eurotech and is a recognized world leader in this product category. A successful product like this, which has been on the market for over 15 years, has experienced many challenges and undergone various improvements.

EVS provides Eurotech with software engineering and design services to improve, maintain and customize the DYPCN platform in order to constantly improve its performance under all conditions and in every type of installation.

Added value

Embedded vision software and stereoscopic vision technology

Thanks to its know-how in embedded vision software and stereoscopic vision technology, EVS has collaborated with Eurotech on:

  • extending product features (e.g., added support for wider gate & lower installation height)
  • improving product performances and usability
  • improving tools for production (e.g., calibration and burn-in test)
  • supplying product maintenance and validation services
  • widening the applicability of the product and improved its cost effectiveness.
Project partner

Eurotech is a multinational company that designs, develops and supplies Edge Computers and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions – complete with services, software and hardware – to system integrators and enterprises.